Clinton County Dept. of Social Services aggressive, crazy, depressed, desperate, Out of control, self-harming, struggle, struggling, Suicidal, uncontrollable, unmanageable
Behavioral Health Services North, Inc. acting out, ADD, addicted, ADHD, adjustment disorder, angry, anorexia, anxiety, attention deficit, binge, burning herself, burning himself, conduct disorder, cutting, depressed, depression, depressive, eating objects, encopresis, enuresis, excoriation, frequent crying, gender dysphoria, hurting animals/pets, hurting others, injuring self, listless, moody, not sleeping, peeing his/her pants, pica, picking his/her skin, pooping his/her pants, PTSD, pulling out hair, pyromania, SED, self-injury, setting fires, severe emotional disturbance, skipping school, sleeping a lot, sleeping too much, starting fires, throws up/throwing up, trauma, up all night, violent, violently, won’t eat, won’t talk
Clinton County Mental Health & Addictions abuse, Acting bizarre, Acting different, Acting strange, addicted, age appropriate, aggressive, alcohol, Anger, anxiety, boyfriend, bullying, checked out, Cocaine, crazy, Curfew, cutting, dating, depressed, Discipline, disrespectful, Distant, Doesn’t care, Drugs, eating too much, fights, gender, girlfriend, Help for child, help for kid, Hitting, hyper, Injury, kicking, marijuana, moody, no friends, Not acting like my kid, Not eating enough, not following rules, not showering enough, Not speaking, Out of control, parenting, Personality change, Pornography, pot, punching, Relationships, Running away, sad, School Absences, Self-harm, sex, showering too much, Sleeping Issues, smoking, Suicidal, Tantrums, vaping, Withdrawn, Won’t listen, wrong friends